Embracing New Quality of Life Architecture: A Member of the Urban Land Institute

The renovation of Spark City Cheung Sha Wan involves the transformation of the existing fully sealed curtain wall into operable windows. The new façade design allows users to benefit from natural ventilation, promoting energy savings, cost reduction, and improved indoor air quality.

At Spark City To Kwa Wan, the shopping center renovation aims to achieve at least a dual Gold certification for both green building and WELL standards. This includes converting the central pedestrian walkway of the underground shopping street into a naturally ventilated corridor, enhanced by innovative ceiling fans. Utilizing computer analysis of airflow, the design optimizes temperature regulation, ensuring a comfortable indoor climate. This approach not only attracts foot traffic but also reduces reliance on air conditioning, leading to energy savings, lower carbon emissions, and decreased utility costs.


早前,國際設計趨勢展望論壇巡迴到香港,我同台遇上哈佛大學建築碩士畢業、城市土地學會 (ULI) 全球董事成員吳天偉Douglas(左二),他提出擁抱新質民生建築的倡議。(相片來源:Gensler HK)

Source: HK01
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